2) What was I doing 5 years ago? ...... I was heading to Wichita KS to help my cousin and his wife with their 3 darling little girls while the wife was in the hospital having surgery. I was also, unbeknownst to me, about to face one of the biggest blows of my life when I came home from that Wichita trip to find that my husband had just gone to the hospital with a heart attack; spent our 20th anniversary in the hospital with him recovering from quadruple bypass surgery. Thanks to God, he did recover and is doing well!
3) What was I doing 1 year ago? ...... I was working 60 hours a week trying to keep this print center running. Shorthanded for 3 months, running with 1 full-time person (me) and 1 part-time person, when we actually needed 3 full timers. If I can figure out how to put a photo on here, I'll put one of me taken back at that time ...

4) What was I doing yesterday? ...... Working, as usual. Not a bad day, though, really. Went to the food court at the mall for lunch with a couple of co-workers, browsed around the mall for about 20 minutes before returning to work. Actually got off ON TIME for a change, so home before dark. Watered flowerbeds in back yard, went to Granddaddy's, visited with him while he watched a couple of episodes of I Love Lucy and then a baseball game, home about 9:15 and to bed at 11:30.
5) Five snacks I enjoy:
- Snickers Ice Cream bars
- Pancho's Cheese Dip (Memphis Pancho's, that is)
- Peanut M & Ms
- Cool Ranch Doritos
- cashews
(Darn it, carrot sticks and celery just barely missed making my top 5 list!)
6) Five things I would do if I suddenly had $100 million dollars :
- Pay a heckuva lot of taxes
- Tithe
- Buy a nice home for each of my family members in the location of their choice
- Set aside enough money for me and Jimmy, my grandfather, parents, sisters and their spouses, nieces and nephews and their spouses and children to all have adequate and proper care in their old age
- Help the homeless shelters in my city - to have enough housing so no one has to sleep on the sidewalk during the cold winter, and to have the resources to help get the people off drugs and alcohol and to educate them enough that they could hold some type of employment
7) Five locations I would like to run away to (but only temporarily):
- Colorado
- Ireland
- Germany
- New Zealand
- Vermont
8) Five bad habits I have:
- Procrastinating
- Starting too many projects at one time
- Giving people too much of my own opinions
- Trying to help where it's not really wanted
- Thinking that I have to do things "just so" or not at all
9) Five things I like doing:
- Sleeping in
- Grocery shopping
- Cooking/baking
- Laying in the hammock on a cool day reading a cookbook
- Taking a ride with Jimmy on the motorcycle to nowhere in particular
10) Five TV shows I like:
- Design on a Dime
- Flip this House
- Unwrapped (Food Channel)
- Across America w/ John Ratzenberger
- Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives
11) Five things I hate doing:
- Getting up early
- Standing in line
- Sitting in traffic
- Public speaking (having to talk in front of a group of people)
- Having an argument/hard feelings with anyone
12) Five biggest joys of the moment:
- that I am relatively healthy and able to enjoy life (i.e. physically - able to move around, see, hear, think, etc.)
- that I have a great husband and family (all of them!) :)
- that I have a very good job that I enjoy
- that I have some very good friends
- that I have a God who allows me all these pleasures and who is faithful to me, no matter what
Okay, I'm done. Passing it on to Dixietn ...... go for it. (Ya'll don't hold your breath now, she doesn't like to do these cheesy things, so if she does, we'll all get a big surprise!)
You've GOT to be kidding me! I don't have a blog (I have this odd repulsion to millions of strangers knowing what I do and where I go), so I reckon that gets me off the hook, huh. :)
LOLL!!!! NO!!! That doesn't let you off the hook! You can just answer right here on my nice little blog, there is plenty of room here! You can even abbreviate if you like! You know, don't write the questions, just write in the answers, we'll figure it out! Besides, you and the two who have already done it are probably the only ones that read my blog, especially since I only write on it about 3 times a year! So there's no one else for me to "pick" to answer the questions!
1) Moving out of the armpit of the South, better known as Memphis
2) Apparently nothing that made a lasting impression
3) Changing employers, which is the BEST move I ever made in my life
4) Working, of course
5) Los Reyes' white cheese dip, pizza, buffalo wings, Outback's bloomin' onion, chocolate creme filled donuts
6) pay off every bill I have, put enough into a trust to care for mother and daddy in their old age, travel everywhere I've ever wanted to go, finally build that log cabin on the side of MY mountain and live there forever, spring for a bi-annual family vacation that includes the ENTIRE family, all their children and significant others
7) mountain top retreat anywhere, Switzerland, Austria, Washington State, East Tennessee
8) smoking, eating junk food, voicing my opinion too bluntly, being intolerant of stupidity, worrying about things beyond my control
9) reading, shooting, teaching son to shoot, baking/cooking, just hanging out
10) Desperate Housewives, Grey's Anatomy, Boston Legal, The Unit, Real Estate Pros
11) getting up at 4:30 AM, dusting, laundry, last minute schedule changes, stupid blog surveys
12) watching son excel in bowling, great job, long-lasting marriage, good health, wonderful family
Happy now??? And since I'm such a nice person, I won't dare ask anyone I like to do this.
YEA!!!! YIPPEE!!!! UNBELIEVABLE!!! I am soooo impressed! First time I've EVER known that girl to answer any survey type questions!!!! Mark this day down in history!
And thanks! That was very insightful. I didn't know you liked chocolate creme filled donuts, shooting or The Unit! I did, however, know you hated stupid blog surveys. :)
And it will most likely be the ONLY one you ever see me fill out.
Well, when you own/carry a pistol, it's best to learn how to shoot the thing properly, and accurately, or you have defeated the purpose of owning/carrying it to begin with. And once you start practicing, it can be very addicting. Always that urge to get just a little better.
And not just any chocolate creme filled donut. Only the ones at Banky's in Millington. Everyone else uses that dark chocolate pudding looking filling. But Banky's uses the lighter chocolate creme, similar to Cool Whip, inside theirs. I like chocolate, but that pudding style filling is overkill.
By the way, DJ's average when he started his league this year was 170, and he's bowled a 248 game too, breaking his old record.
Oh, I would have tagged you myself, but the last time I read your blog, you said you didn't have the time to keep it up or something. I didn't want to tag you and make you feel like you had to do it!!!
Well, thanks for not putting the pressure on me, autumn! Because normally, I really don't have time to enjoy this blogging thing but in the last few weeks, I decided I would make myself take a few minutes each day to do something 'just for the fun of it' whether I have time to or not! 'else what's the use in living, for pete's sake?!?! But since I write so rarely, I figured anyone who ever started out reading my blog finally gave up because there was never anything new there! Did you answer this survey on your blog? I'll have to go back and check.
And dixie, I'm glad you've learned how to handle that thing! My friend, Sandra, and I are going to go to the range one evening this week and get in some practice ourselves. Then I am going to look into getting a smaller weapon and my carry permit so I can have one when necessary (legally) without walking around feeling like Dirty Harry with this big cannon. Some people freak out about people carrying guns, but rest assured, the main people you DON'T want carrying guns (the insane, the mean and wicked, the psychos, etc.) are ALREADY carrying guns. I'd just like to even the playing field if it ever comes down to it someday, rather than just be a sitting duck to some psycho simply because I (or someone else) didn't think it 'safe' to carry a gun. To me, it's not safe NOT to carry a gun (at certain times and places). Believe me, if hubby is out of the house for any reason during the night, which of course is very rare, he wouldn't DREAM of coming in without calling me on the phone and saying "I'm almost home, I'll be coming in in about 5 minutes" - he knows any surprise to me during my bedtime hours could be deadly, as aforementioned cannon is at my fingertips, if not already in my grip! Paranoid? Some may call it that, and occasionally I think it myself. But most often, I call it prepared and precautionary.
Back to them there chocolate donuts .... better go get myself a snack!
The son used to listen to me and the significant other laugh about watching the teens across the street sneak in and out of their windows at night. We found it funny because they're dad is a cop. You'd think he'd be more "aware" than most average parents. But one kid would sneak in, and I swear 4 would come back out with him and they'd all run a few doors down where another friend was waiting in a car.
But after thinking about it, I figured we may have given the son a clue about how to sneak around at night. So I finally told him, you ever think about sneaking in a window around here and it just might get you shot cause if the dogs make a ruckus when they hear someone coming in a window, then I'm going to be checking things out and I will have my protection with me. He says "Oh yeah, I never thought about it that way."
All the people who scream "more gun control" have simply not met someone that wants to kill them, yet. Yeah, lets blame the gun, cause heaven forbid we would actually hold the criminal responsible. Does that mean I can blame my spoon for being overweight??? Or blame my pencil for spelling errors? How about we have match control too cause those darn things cause arson! Why bother adding more gun laws to the books. Law abiding citizens ALREADY obey those laws. And the criminals aren't getting them legally anyway. Geez, how stupid can some folks be????
All I can say is, I will not go down without a fight. I may go down, but I'm going to do my best to take the bad guy with me.
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