Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Well, imagine that ... ??

The only post I've EVER put any photos on (real ones, not a cartoon) (vacation) and I didn't get even one tiny comment on it!! Of all things!!


T-Bone said...

but then we gotta scroll aaaaaaalllll the way down there to do it. =) i personally had not seen them yet. but they are lovely. everyone else didnt comment bc they are bitter and jealous that is was your vacation and not theirs =)

Anonymous said...

I'm jealous!

AJ said...

I knew there had to be a reason, I just didn't know what it was! Well, tsk, tsk, don't be jealous, I know you've both had more CO vacations than I have in recent years! That was the 1st time we'd been there in FIVE LONG YEARS! So, we made sure to thoroughly enjoy every second! Well, maybe not EVERY second, I didn't exactly enjoy the times when I found myself wheezing and gasping for air after climbing ONE flight of stairs! I mean, I climb one flight of stairs several times a day here, down in the 'low-lands', without any lose of breath, so it was very unnerving not to be able to do the same thing there! That altitude just takes my breath away! Other than that, it was great!
Also, I just figured out how to make something a "link" so you wouldn't have to scroll aaaaaaallllll the way down the page to look at the pics! Well, I think I figured it out, not sure I could do it again, but will give it a try someday.
Miss y'all! Come see me someday!