Well, as everyone knows, summers seem to be super busy. We have had a fun one, so far, but as usual, I am ready for cooler temperatures already. Of course, as far as I'm concerned, I would be very satisfied if the temperature never got above about 80 degrees, that would be SUMMER ENOUGH FOR ME! I guess it is the August heat (and July, as well) that makes me wish for such impossibilities. After several 100+ days, I'm ready to crawl in the refrigerator and stay there until late September! So, obviously, I could never live in a place such as south Texas, Florida, Arizona, New Mexico or any of those other inhumanely hot locations!!!
On Saturday, June 28th, we drove to TX and picked up 2 of the grandkids and took them to a Rangers baseball game. We had a great time. We had tickets to awesome seats in the Corona Club, which is a nice, indoor, AIR CONDITIONED area directly behind home plate (about 50 ft back) with huge glass panels all the way across the front for a full, unobstructed view of the whole field. Our seats were in the very middle on the front row, so no one between us and the view. We had waitress service, access to a nice (free) buffet, comfy leather seats with attached little tray to hold your food, etc. Best ball game I've ever been to! (for obvious reasons!! a/c being #1)
View from the (not) cheap seats ....

(Those little blond/bald heads near the middle of that last shot are hubby & grandkids.)
How cool. Looks like fun!
Oh my goodness! That is an awesome way to see the game!! How did you snag such great seats?
Well, it's all in "who ya know" my friends!!! Connections ... pull ... you know! Haha!
No, seriously, it's "who wants your business!" My print center uses a tremendous amount of paper, as you might imagine, probably around an average of $15,000 a month .... therefore, certain companies are very interested in keeping us very happy ... tickets to sporting events such as this hopefully ensuring such happiness. I, being the mgr of said print center, get to take advantage of these 'perks!' Of course, there are ethics rules we have to abide by in the giving AND receiving of what could be considered as 'undue favors' that would be intended to influence business, but we are allowed to accept (and to give) "nominal" gifts, which these fall under the category of. They're not nominal to ME, I could never pay $105/seat to go to a baseball game, but in the grand scheme of things, they consider that small potatoes. I couldn't, on the other hand, accept an all expense paid trip to the Bahamas for myself and my family, that would not be considered nominal! :) So, I have enjoyed these tickets and tickets to the Dallas Cowboys game (on 4occasions, only 2 of which I could attend, had to give the other 2 sets away at last minute), but those won't be available anymore. Something about the new stadium they're building, tacking on new charge of about $20,000 just for the PRIVILEGE of BUYING the tickets, not including the actual cost of tickets! So, he traded football for baseball, as a business move. Suits me, I had more fun at the baseball game, due to the luxurious aspects of our seats! Football game in August heat was not my cup of tea, even if it WAS the 'boys!!!
So, now you know .... the rest of the story!
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