Thursday, October 12, 2006

First cold day!

Not freezing cold or winter cold but cold compared to last week. It got down into the 40's last night and the high today is only going to be in the 50's! So I wore a long sleeve shirt for the first time this season, one with pretty fall leaves on it!

Had company for a few days this week. Big sister came for a little visit. Got to see G'ds new place. And to accompany us to the ER when G'd had an accident Tues night. He cut open the back of his left hand, clear from one side to the other, just busted it wide open. It bleed more than anything I've ever seen. He doesn't remember how it happened but we've deduced that he had to have had his hand resting on the arm rest of the scooter and caught it between that arm rest and the door jam, as he was just entering his apt. when it happened. Took 10 stitches and about 3 1/2 hours in the ER (not sitting and waiting, but being worked on for the most of that time). Was a tedious operation, due to the delicate and fragile nature of his skin and the severity of the wound. They did manage to get it pulled back together and although he'll definitely have a major scar, he won't lose any use of his hand or fingers. He's staying at my house until he gets better, as he needs more assistance with the daily things such as getting dressed. He's a tough ol' bird, never has even had to take a pain pill, just some extra strength Tylenol. When the dr. mentioned he'd have a scar, he just chuckled. Guess after living all these years with a whole finger missing on that hand, a scar won't be any big deal!

As far me, I'm living for Friday night. So I can go out and party? hahahaha! So I can go home, go to bed early and sleep until my heart's content! Can't sleep all day, however. Have a baby shower to go to on Sunday afternoon and have to make .... 1) Mocha punch 2) Curried Chicken Salad Puffs 3) Mini Shrimp Quiche 4) Ambrosia Trifle 5) Sausage Quiche Squares 6) Ham Roll-Ups 7) Chocolate Mousse Tarts 8) Praline Cheesecake Squares. Hhhmmmm ..... did I say I was going to sleep in?? Maybe not. Yes, I actually volunteered to "take care of" the food part of the shower. I think they thought I meant go to Sam's and buy some stuff. Yeah, sure. Guess I'd better get started on all that stuff tonight or I might not get to go to bed Saturday night!

OK, gotta go! Later gators!


Anonymous said...

I wish I had a window in my cube.

See? You got a comment.

AJ said...

A very appropriate comment for this blog! I was just thinking the same thing! ha!