Friday, September 15, 2006


As you can see, I live for the weekends! 'Twasn't so when I was a happy homemaker! Saturday was just like any other day! But not anymore! They're few and far between, precious as water in a desert and highly prized like a State Fair blue-ribbon winnin' nanny goat! (I know, where did goats come in the picture?) Well, I was thinking of the state fair just while ago and recalled that we walked through all the animal barns with Granddaddy last year and the goats were a HUGE affair, there were thousands of them, all cleaned and brushed and vacuumed and groomed perfectly, why I'd swear some of them even had their toenails (hooves, I mean) polished! So, that just happened to be in my head. Anyway.....
It's been another killer week here at work so I'm ready for a break! I REALLY should come in and work tomorrow because I KNOW that come Monday morning, a certain client is going to call wondering "where are my logs?????" and it won't even make any difference to him that I didn't get his information to print until late Friday afternoon and was already overloaded on work that had come in earlier and ended the day printing 531 logs, he'll still wonder why we didn't get his 93 logs done too! We just can't do enough! Oh, well, I have way too much stuff I need to do at home so I most likely will not make it back in here tomorrow. I can only give this company so much of my life and life's blood before I have to say "enough already!" and consider my own personal life. I mean really, does anyone REALLY care that I give up my precious weekend time to come in here and slave away printing out logs over the weekend just to make some customer happy? No, in the end, probably not. Is it my fault that the f.e. didn't get the information in until 2 days late so therefore the customer will get it late? No, I don't think so.
So, for the weekend, my big plans are ...... work work work around the house! I have SO many projects that I MUST get done in the next 2 weeks, as I'm having some out-of-town company and I don't want them to faint dead away at the cluttery mess I have allowed to accumulate, trying to wait until I can get everything done "just so." So, I'll just have to dive it and do it the best I can and at least make it look good on the surface, something that goes against the grain for me! I have a tendency to put off doing things if I know that I don't have enough time to do it completely and obssessively and perfectly, so I just don't do it at all. Doesn't sound logical, I know, but that's how it is.
Well, gotta go get started on this big wild weekend of mine. First on the list, stop at Granddaddy's and watch Wheel of Fortune and Little House on the Prairie with him. Then, home at 8:15 to get started on the major picking up I have to do before my cleaning girl comes tomorrow. It will help immensely that she can do the routine cleaning (vacuuming, dusting, etc.) while I work on those projects I mentioned!
Talk to you all later! Have a good weekend everyone!

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