Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Wow, isn't it amazing how you can look at a picture of yourself and think, 'surely that's not me!' But it really is! ??? The most recent picture of me (Christmas party pic that I posted a couple of days ago) looks a lot more like the "real me" I remember, as opposed to the pictures I have seen of myself in the past 10 years. I guess as we age, in our own minds' eye, we always keep the "favorite and best" look we ever attained and try to reject the face we see in the mirror every morning! In getting out Christmas cards to work on, I found last years and the year before's, both having photos of us on them, and compared it to this years. Noticeable difference! Encourages me to stay on my plan of getting in better shape.
Was great to get a quick visit in with #3 sister on Monday night! Just wish it could've lasted longer, but hey ... I'll take what I can get!
Ready for Christmas? Neither am I. But it's coming whether we're ready or not, so just accept it and enjoy it! I have decided not to worry or fret about all that I am not getting done (decorating, baking, cards, etc.) and just enjoy Christmas for Christmas' sake. After all, it never should've been about all the activities we try to cram in it anyway! Fun if you can do them, not fun if you kill yourself trying to do them! Know what I mean, Vern???

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Christmas Party Photo

Hello bloggy friends and family!

Thought I'd take a second (since that's all I have!) to post the latest pic of us, taken by a friend at our company Christmas party on Sat., Dec. 6th, 2008. If I manage to get Christmas cards out this year, most of you will see this photo again!

It was a fun time! That's all for now!