It's Sunday afternoon. I'm at work.
Sinus headache plagued my weekend.
Got a few cleaning projects done at home yesterday, not nearly enough though.
Nasty weather in the forecast for next few days.
Gotta go, time for lunch, almost 3 pm and haven't eaten yet all day.
(How'd ya like THIS post? Could've been done by dixie herself.)
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
My goodness, has everyone in this state decided it's time to get in shape??? There must've been 400 new people at the gym last night. Yep, it's January! Wonder how many of them will still be there 3 months from now? I don't know about them, but I will be!

Work is going fine .... still busy as ever, but lost one of our people in the "reorganization." But I'm still determined NOT to get back in the "work from sun-up til sun-down" routine again.
Had a quick visit with the niece last night, as she passed through on her way from one home to another. Nice to see her. She promises that someday she'll stay more than 12 hours!
Have more company coming through tomorrow. Friends who are missionaries to Sri Lanka, back in the states for awhile, as the wife had to have some surgery done just before Christmas. Will be nice to see them and spend some time visiting with them.
Had to report for jury duty yesterday morning. Didn't get picked. NOT A PROBLEM! I've served several times already and I really do think it's only fair to share the experience with my fellow citizens, so glad they chose someone else this time around.
Well, not much exciting news to post, just thought I'd post before 3 months passes by. Don't want to ignore or disappoint my huge and loyal following who wait with great anticipation for my most recent posts! haha!
Gotta post this photo of darling nephew, cutest kid in the world according to my hubby (and I'm in complete agreement there!).

Later gators!
Friday, January 02, 2009
Well, the New Year has gotten off to a good start around here, except that the hubby is w/ the kids and grandkids, so missing him, but otherwise, a great day! Had the day off yesterday (NY Day) and used it to:
1) SLEEP IN!!!!! Yea! Yippee! Woohoo!
2) Take care of some errands that I haven't been able to do due to working all day every day (week days, I mean), such as go to the Sheriff's Office/jail to p/u my c.c. permit. That's not a place I would like to have to go very often. First off, not knowing "the rules" I had to go back out to my car and leave my purse and cell phone. Then I was subject to be SEARCHED!!! Luckily, I wasn't. Then you have to go through all these locked doors and be escorted down to the elevator where someone has to swipe a badge to let you on it! THEN you have to go to THE BASEMENT! This was not my idea of fun! Glad it's a one time deal!
3) Stopped and ate lunch at one of the places I like that Jimmy doesn't.
4) Spent an hour and 1/2 in Hobby Lobby! Fun, fun!
5) Visited Granddaddy for awhile. He's doing real good.
6) Then went home and cleaned, cleaned, cleaned. Like a madwoman. From about 4:30 pm until 1 am. Zipping around the house like a tornado. Did 5 loads of laundry, cleaned up Christmas junk, put away other junk, cleaned kitchen (which was a TOTAL wreck, I might add, from my night-before-New-Years-Eve cooking extravaganza in which I cooked a QUADRUPLE recipe of my famous Spicy Black-eyed Pea Casserole to take to work and feed the troops on NY Eve!), cleaned the living room, sitting room, etc. Also framed photos and organized some Christmas items we'll be needing for our "late Christmas" whenever we get a chance to go to TN. All the while, listening to some CDs at a very loud volume and singing at the top of my lungs! It was a sight to behold (and hear!), I'm sure! haha!
Now, today it's back to work! Yippee, skippy, as my dear friend Esther would say!
Okay, now it's time to post some recent photos (yes, the "brag" photos!). I'm down 17 pounds, so surely I'm entitled to a few of those! But the loss is all in the lower half of my body, can't budge the northern hemisphere. I'm still working on it, though. Want to lose 6 or 7 more pounds to be right where I want to be (5 pounds below my original goal - heck, why quit now?? I'm "this close!").
Y'all have a good one and keep in touch!
Love ya,
J & J
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