Well, sad to say but tomorrow is my last day of vacation (well, actually it's today, tomorrow will be nothing but traveling to the airport and flying home)!!!! Sniff, sniff, ...... It's been wonderful but sure goes by too fast!
We have seen some beautiful scenery and have had perfect weather, couldn't have asked for better weather for spending time up here in the mountains. The views of the mountains are indescribable and even the photos I've taken won't do them justice. We drove up to Glenwood Springs Canyon day before yesterday and oh, my goodness, the views driving down through that deep, deep canyon were mouth-dropping! Looking straight up thousands of feet to the top of those massive canyon walls and realizing we were just a mere "speck" to someone

who might be looking down on us from up above, the conversation in the car was something like this .... "ooohh, look over here!" .... "no, look up HERE!!!" ...... "oh, wow, check this out!" ...... "LOOK AT THAT!" etc. etc. It was incredible. Then we arrived in Glenwood Springs and went through the historic Hotel Colorado, which was pretty nifty. Then we rode this long tram way up to the top of a very high mountain and the views from up THERE were incredible, as well. You could see way down (and I mean WAY down) all throughout the valley floor, the tiny city below and the river running through it (the Colorado River). Then we took the tour through the Glenwood Springs Cave,

which was really, really cool. Of course, hubby and I love going through caves and caverns every chance we get, so that was a real thrill for us. I bought some of the postcards they had there, as their pictures were better than any I could take, my lighting wasn't sufficient to capture the depth of the place. Yesterday, hubby and brother-in-law spent the afternoon playing a little golf on the beautiful course here. First time he has played in many, many years but I think he enjoyed it!!! We'll spend today enjoying our last little bit of fun and relaxing, packing up our things and getting ready to head back down the mountain. I am sure glad

to have been able to have this week as a "real" vacation to get some rest, relaxation and enjoying time with my sister and her husband, and enjoying the beautiful world that God has provided for us! We sometimes take for granted that we live where we do (in the country we do) and have access to the places we do, and forget that we could just as easily have been born in Bosnia or Somalia or some place where there is nothing but sand and dirt or dessert and never even know that places like what we have been enjoying even exist. Let's not forget how blessed we are!